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The FTTH History - HAGSIN FTTH Drop Cable Machine - HAGSIN - Top Professional Fiber Optic Cable Machine Manufacturer in China


Let us talk the FTTH history as following:


In the beginning the first to ventures into the FIber to the Home or FTTH- Fiber To The Home Rollouts were the RBOCS- and the Carriers such as MCI delivering fiber service to the communities outside Orlando Florida as "Heathrow" as far back as the 1980's ranging from Pacific Bell, MCI, Bellsouth and GTE. Then in the late 1990's there was a great upsurge in fiber to the home deployment by private firms called CLEC's- Competitive Loop Exchange Carriers. These companies unfortunately got caught up in the Wall Street rebellion of the Dot Coms and anyting to do with Telecom was frowned upon by Wall Street for about 4 years. But now they are back along with WISPS-CLEC's that offer fiber optic and wireless hybrid solutions.The reason why the FTTH technology has been dramatically opened to competition is advances in technology and extreme reduction in the pricing of fiber optic cable and telecommunications hardware. There are now technologies that offer 3-5 year "payback" on "Triple Play". Our supplier partners include several manufacturers including Prysmian, (Formerly Draka) Commscope, FIS, Dasan, Charles, Emerson, APC, Telco Systems, AFL, and many others. Since 2011 we have "narrowed our partner base" to three main manufacturers that we can discuss in private after an NDA is signed and an agreement has been formed.


We can provide you, the city, the county, community, developer or publoic enterprise a complete- engineering -turn- key GPON fiber to the home (FTTH) proven solution using GPON backbone technology and combining the hardware with our "Middleware" and "Billing Products" to allow you- the PUBLIC or PRIVATE COMMUNITy to decide on what CONTENT, what SPEED, and what COST you want to bill to your residents. With your own engineer fiber to the home - Triple Play" system, you can have complete "payback" on your investment from as little as 18 month to 48 months. And from that point on it is almost pure (pre-tax) prift that you can put back into your own community.

If any question or inquiry of FTTH Fiber Cable Machine in China, be free to contact us sales@hagsin.com

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